Sunday, September 1, 2013

On the Move Again?

Did I really miss two whole months of blogging?  Even when I stand completely still, time slides on by.

When I lived in Alaska in the 70s, I had a friend, Laura, who moved away every year.  As the snow piled up to the tens of feet, the town (or at least most of the 250 of us) would gather at a local bar, sing, dance, tell stories, give her gifts, and lament about her how much we'd miss her.  Then she'd leave, bound for Mississippi, her first home. We'd talk about her at the bar on Friday nights, speculate on how she was and what she was up to.  And we'd wonder how long it would take her to get back.

Because she always came back.  A month or two after her party, she'd waltz back into town and we'd celebrate her return.

Somehow, Laura's story reminds me of my life lately.  The amazing town of close friends and tall tales is tough to leave forever.  So I'm back, anxious for a round at the bar with my characters who are always ready to share their stories of adventure and romance.  At the moment, I'm polishing one told me a few years ago.  It may not be profound, but it's a fun story worth the effort.  I can't wait to share it.

Laura eventually left Alaska for good.  I'm not sure if her going-away party continues without her.  Probably not.  But it was always one hell of a party.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly understand the need to get away. Then I'm pleased that writing is always patiently waiting for me when I return.
